Blueprint For The Future

Head of Design / Creative Director

National Strategy using Artificial Intelligence is the brainchild of Mr. Dammika Perera, a businessman and entrepreneur who in 2013 was named the richest man in Sri Lanka. His main desire is to be a policymaker, and firmly believes that we could save time, money and both human and natural resources if we could implement Artificial Intelligence to any system, thereby speeding up its development process.

Due to the sluggish development situation in the country, an immediate, effective solution is required to assist failing industries and eventually improving the economy. Mr. Dammika Perera’s proposed solution is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence. AI would enable one to interpret large data patterns with speed and accuracy and would help achieve specific goals and manage resources efficiently.

After immense research into Mr. Dammika Perera’s ideals and complex case studies, the concept of a “Blueprint for the Future” was developed. The design language communicated strategy and technological advancements to a millennial audience through storytelling and vector animated short videos. Each video illustrates an existing problem of inefficiently allocated resources and its proposed solution with the use of AI.

As days progressed towards the event date, a micro-website and teaser campaign was designed and launched to promote sales and participation. Web banners were designed as a call to action and a link to the site for updates. Additionally, the three animations that were produced based on existing situations from the Fisheries, Police and Health Care sectors in Sri Lanka were promoted on all digital platforms.

View more: Behance